Along a normal fault the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall.
In a fault the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall.
Fill in the blank 1.
Describe three types of faults.
The hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall.
The motion of the crustal blocks is referred to as strike slip.
When the hanging wall moves down in relative to the footwall it is called a fault.
The hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall.
The footwall moves down relative to the hanging wall.
What is the age of the rocks on the surface of the footwall side of the fault relative to those on the hanging wall.
Reverse faults occur in areas undergoing compression squishing.
The terminology of normal and reverse comes from coal mining in england where normal faults are the most common.
Tension is stress that pulls rocks apart.
These usually occur when tectonic forces cause tension that pulls rocks apart.
Normal faults are common.
Reverse faults indicate compressive shortening of the crust.
The crust experiences extension.
In thrust or reverse faults the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall and in strike slip faults it moves horizontally relative to the footwall.
The dip of a reverse fault is relatively steep greater than 45.
When the hanging wall moves up in relative to the footwall it is called a fault.
Which fault will see the hanging wall move down relative to the footwall.
After the occurrence of a normal dip slip fault in flat lying sedimentary rocks the fault scarp produced is eliminated by erosion.
Are exactly the opposite of normal faults.
This is true of normal faults.
Normal dip slip faults are produced by vertical compression as earth s crust lengthens.
In these faults the fault plane is usually vertical so there is no hanging wall or footwall.
Normal fractures in rock with no offset where there has been no motion are called.
Choose one or more.
They bound many of the mountain ranges of the world and many of the rift valleys found along spreading margins.
A n fault forms when the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall a.
Other articles where normal fault is discussed.
Which of the following happens at a normal fault.
If the hanging wall rises relative to the footwall you have a reverse fault.
Jack0m digitalvision vectors getty images strike slip faults have walls that move sideways not up or down that is the slip occurs along the strike not up or down the dip.
What is a reverse fault.
A reverse fault is the opposite of a normal fault the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall.
Strike slip faults occur as plates scrape by each other.